The Haute Route

For most people familiar with back country skiing, there is no more well-known ski tour than the Haute Route, connecting the iconic ski towns of Chamonix, France and Zermatt, Switzerland. Join us this spring for seven days of world class skiing in the Alps from the mighty Mont Blanc to the iconic Matterhorn. April 3-9, Skyward guide,…

Rope-de Dope!

I recently found a post on a guide’s forum I am part of with a question soliciting opinions on the best ropes for parties of three on multi-pitch rock climbs. While there were plenty of opinions and personal preferences towards one rope or another, often extolling the virtues of one and draw-backs of others, I…

Crag To Summit

It is common now days to hear about “gym to crag” climbing courses to help those who primarily or exclusively climb indoors safely make the transition to climbing outdoors. After all, climbing at its core is an outdoor sport and that is what most indoor climbers aspire to do at some point. Climbing indoors has…

Immersed in Nature: The Therapeutic Blend of Rock Climbing

“Take A (Nature) Bath While Climbing!” – John Muir’s words echo profoundly as climbers immerse themselves in the majesty of natural landscapes. Rock climbing isn’t just about physical exertion or mental stimulation; it’s a holistic experience, fostering a profound connection with the outdoors. Recent studies affirm the myriad benefits of outdoor pursuits, attributing much of…

Mastering the Vertical Realm: The Crucial Role of Breathing Techniques in Rock Climbing

Ever been exhorted with a firm “breathe!” from a belaying partner while navigating a tricky crux on the rock? Initially brushed off as trivial advice, the importance of controlled breathing in rock climbing becomes increasingly apparent upon closer examination. Beyond its fundamental role in oxygen supply, deliberate management of breath can profoundly impact climbers’ performance…

Naked V Threads | Sustainable Techniques For Ice Climbing

When tackling technical descents in ice climbing or ski mountaineering, efficiency and safety are paramount. In this article, we’ll explore a sustainable technique called Naked V-Threads, offering a cleaner and environmentally friendly alternative for rappelling in challenging terrains. Join us as we delve into this innovative approach and its benefits for both climbers and the…